
A funeral is used to mark the end of a person's life here on earth. Family and friends come together to express grief, give thanks for the life lived and commend the person into God's keeping. These can be a small, quiet ceremony or a large occasion in a packed church.

Everyone is entitled to either a burial service (funeral) or to have their ashes interred in their local parish burial ground by their local parish priest regardless of whether they attended church or not. Since All Saints churchyard was closed in 1899, burials and interments take place in the nearby cemetery next to the village arboretum. The cemetery is looked after by the Parish Council and is administered by the Parish Clerk.  St Luke's churchyard remains open for burials for residents of Garford. Services are also conducted at South Oxfordshire Crematorium. There are numerous reputable funeral directors based in Abingdon and Wantage that we work with regularly and who know our parish well.  

If this is all new to you and you do not know where to start, the Church of England Funerals website contains lots of helpful information.

Please contact Revd. Nick Weldon on 01865 391962/
or the church office on 01865 391202 /
if you'd like to make an enquiry about a funeral.



The death of a loved one is a very difficult time. If you would like someone from the church to visit you, please get in touch.

Book of Remembrance

Here at All Saints' we have a 'Book of Remembrance' where it is possible to commeorate the life of a relative who was born, lived or died in the Parish or had a direct connection with the Marcham area. If you wish to have an entry made, please print off and complete the form below and return it to All Saints' Parish Office, All Saints' Church, Church Street, Marcham, OX13 6NP. The cost per entry is £20, made payable to Marcham PCC. 


A note for Funeral Directors

For enquiries about funerals, please contact the church office or the Rev. Nick Weldon and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Fees for funerals are set by the Church of England and are adjusted in January each year. The latest fees can be found here:

There are some other local charges if you require other services:

  • We ask an for an extra £50 for heating between 1st October and the 31st March (or if needed).
  • If you wish to use our church organist and they are available, there is a charge of £70
  • If you require audio-visual support (more than a simple microphone) there is an AV charge of £70.
  • We can sometimes offer a live-streaming service for family and friends who cannot attend in person. This is an additional £30 on top of the AV charge (£100 total) and is dependent upon a volunteer being available to run the system.

It would help us if payment can be made online to:
Marcham and Garford PCC
Acc. No. 61591963
Sort Code 60-01-01