
August 27-30th, 10am-2pm for primary-aged children

We will be running our annual children's holiday club this summer. Each day will be a mixture of Bible teaching, singing, prayer, fun activities, crafts, sports and much, much more.

Children are placed into age-appropriate groups for the week and will do activities in these groups. We provide snacks and a drink mid-morning but ask that they bring their own packed lunch.

Children can come for one day or the whole 4 days - please indicate on the booking form. The cost is £10 per day or £40 for the whole week.
This year our theme is "Where's Jesus?" and each day we will be at where we find Jesus at different moments in our lives.

We can get booked up quickly, so fill in the google form using the link below quickly to secure your child's place.

Young leaders

Our young leaders are a vital part of our holiday club. We accept young volunteers from Y7 up to the age of 18. There is a certain amount of training that needs to be done and an expectation that the young person will participate fully in caring for and engaging with the younger children. If your young person would like to sign up, then please complete the google form using the link below with them by the end of term.

Adult leaders

We also need plenty of adult volunteers to make the week run smoothly. If you'd like to get invilved there are all sorts of opportunities. Please email Jill on families@allsaintsmarcham.org for further details.

If you have any queries, please contact Jill Rowe on families@allsaintsmarcham.org